Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oh Cobbler

Summer...Fruit...Overripe. What to do with it? Why make cobbler of course!!! I had a Nectarine and Plum that needed to be used up so I put together a two serving cobbler. It was divine, delicious...any other "D" words you can think of? No, Yes? Oh well, enough of my wanting a thesaurus out of this post. On to the recipe and of course the pretty picture of said recipe.

Aren't they just adorable!!

Nectarine and Plum Cobbler Serves 2

1 Very ripe Nectarine
1 Very ripe Plum
1 disc of Peanut Marzipan(Almond is fine too.)
2 Tbls Sugar
1 Tbls flour
A sprinkle of Pumpkin Pie Spice

2 Tbls Cold Butter, cut into small bits
3 Tbls Steel cut Oats
1 Tbls Sugar
1 1/2 Tbls Flour

Peel and chop Nectarine and Plum, just roughly chop. Crumble the Marzipan in a small bowl then add all of the filling ingredients excepting the fruit, stir to combine. Now add the fruit and stir again, split between two greased ramekins, I used glass ones, but whatever you have is fine. 
For the topping, using the same bowl as the fruit was in, place all the ingredients into bowl, then with a fork mash the butter in, until its incorporated, it doesn't need to be like wet sand or look like peas, but you want it fairly even throughout. Split the mixture between the two ramekins and place on a baking sheet, that's just in case it spills over, plus it make it easier to put in and take out. Place in a 400 degree F oven and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the fruit is bubbly and the top is golden brown and crisp. Happy cooking my friends and remember to keep it homemade!

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