Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cherry Lemonade

Summer is soon upon us and I am so looking forward to poolside with the bestie, yummy food and of course awesomely cool and refreshing drinks. So here is a good option for lemonade and mine happens to have overripe cherries, but any type of fruit you have that is just starting to turn is good and it uses it up without wasting it, how eco-friendly is that, especially since I don't have the room for a compost pile. Cherry Lemonade here we come!!!

A dozen Lemons, cut in half
A dozen Cherries, halved and pitted
1/2-1 Cup Sugar
Large Plastic Pitcher
Potato Masher
Doesn't that look sooo pretty!!

Take the cherries and throw them in the Pitcher. Next take 6 of your lemons, hand squeeze them into the pitcher and throw them along with the rest of the lemons into the pitcher as well. Pour in about 1/2 a cup of the sugar and then fill the pitcher with enough water to cover the fruit. Place the pitcher in your kitchen sink
Now with your potato masher, I have an old school metal one with a wooden handle so it's a pretty sturdy little guy, go to town mashing and twisting, be brutal, it's a nice arm workout. Do the "arm workout" for about 10 min, then taste your mixture, you will probably need to add more sugar, then mash again, about 5 min more, taste again and if it's to your liking, strain the mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth. Reserve some of the cherries to float throughout the lomonade, it'll be pretty! If it's still really strong you may want to add a bit more water to your individual glass when you put your ice in then add the lemonade, along with a couple of the spent cherries. And there ya have it folks fresh Cherry Lemonade!! Happy cooking my friends, or should I say drinking and remember to keep it homemade!

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