Friday, October 5, 2012

Oatmeal Anyone??? Pumpkin Pie Spice Oatmeal?

I happen to love the creamy goodness that is oatmeal and the stuff you can dream up to put into it. Plus it keeps you full until lunch, especially if you pair it with a good quality bread, all toasted and golden with jam or butter. I don't usually have the time to fix myself breakfast, so it's a treat when I get it hot from my own kitchen and today it was oatmeal, lovely lower your cholesterol, stick to your ribs, oatmeal.
Since I had no fruit in the house or nuts or granola, it came out relatively simple, but not at all tasteless, there is nothing worse than biting into a hot cereal and all you can think of is 'I am eating gruel, Oliver Twist style.' Bleh! You know the clumpy, gloppy mess of yuck in your bowl. Well, hallelujah! that is not how mine turned out.

 Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal
Doesn't the name itself invoke dreams of Autumn and spiced cider? 
Those are the ingredients you need, plus a dry measuring cup and a pan.

Also here's a tip for creamier oatmeal start it of in a cold pan with cold milk and/or water and bring it up to a gradual boil over medium heat. It's fool proof and you won't have any sticky clumps.

Onto my method:

Add 1/2 a cup of oatmeal to your pan then 1/2 a cup of milk and a 1/2 a cup of water, turn on heat to medium, then add a small palm full of Pumpkin Pie Spice.

Now a couple drops of Butter Vanilla extract, I found this at Home Goods, if you can't find it Vanilla extract will work.
I added 2 packets of Sugar in the Raw, turbinado sugar. Make it sweet enough to suit your taste though. And give it a good stir. My glitter nail polish is on it's last leg, so sad! And boy is it a pain in the rear to take off.
 It's about halfway done at this point, so just stir it every so often until you have what looks like this...

I like mine with a bit more liquid than most, to get to this point it only took about 5 minutes, if you want it creamier with less liquid cook for another couple of minutes.

Here is my finished meal, I toasted some whole wheat bread and then spread with a pumpkin pecan butter. Oh so good. You can also add it to your oatmeal to make it even more Pumpkin Pie Spicy!

 This is the lovely Pecan Pumpkin  Butter, my pastor's wife gave it to me for Christmas and I have savored every bite.
Doesn't that look good!

Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal

1/2C. Rolled Oats
1/2C Water
1/2C Milk
1 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/2 tsp Butter Vanilla Infusion Extract or Vanilla Extract
 2 Packets Sugar in the Raw

Add all the ingredients to a small pot, put over medium heat and stir occasionally. 
For creamy oatmeal with some liquid left cook for about 5-6 min. Less liquid cook for longer.
Happy cooking my friends and remember to keep it homemade!

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