Friday, September 21, 2012

Ode to Kale

Kale. I know it seems like everyone out there is talking up Kale if one is into eating a healthfully. It's in the Collard Greens family and has a ton of vitamin K, not to mention fiber, but getting the stuff to taste good is another story. I have found that when cooked it leaches out a kind of bitter flavor, so not tasty. My go to for getting Kale into my diet is eating it raw and in juice form, yes juice. You are probably saying, "Health Freak!" by now, but isn't that what a diet you can live with should be, 80% healthy 20% naughty(hehe). Well here are two recipes that I have come up with, One as a salad and the other as a juice. YUM!!

Kale Salad with Garlic, Onion and Honey

1 Large Bunch of Kale
1 Clove Garlic, minced
Half a small Onion, minced
Good squirt of Honey
About 1/2 a cup Olive Oil
S&P, tt(see Culinary abbreviations)

Wash Kale very well, Dry thouroughly.
De-stem the kale by grabbing the bottom stem and push the leaves off.
Throw minced garlic and onion into a small microwavable bowl, sprinkle with S&P, pour in Olive Oil and nuke for 30 seconds, stir in honey and let cool until warm to touch.
Tear Kale into small pieces and put into a container you can seal. Sprinkle with a little bit of S&P.
Pour Olive Oil mixture over Kale, seal container and shake! Taste and add more S&P if necessary. Re-Seal and put into fridge for at least one hour, this gives it a chance to kind of marinate and will taste even better than if you ate it right away.  

Now onto the Juice. You will need a juicer for this, if you don't have one, sorry this recipe will not work, you can always go to a smoothie place that also does fresh juice. If you don't have a juice place, sorry about that too. Living in So Cal is a blessing and a curse at times, food is the blessing, traffic is the curse.

Kale Juice

1 Small bunch of Kale
4-5 Carrots
1 Apple
1 Small bunch Spinach

Wash all produce.
Set up your juicer and go at it. If you have a juicer like mine, it will juice practically anything without much work on my part. I start with the Kale and Spinach then move onto the carrots and apples. Mix it all up and there ya go, juice that is so good for you, you can feel the healthy being absorbed into your system. Ahhh!! Happy cooking my friends and remember to keep it homemade.  

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