Saturday, August 25, 2012

Zucchini Melt

Simplicity of Zucchini with melted cheese, stuffed inside a Mediterranean Flat-bread. This recipe came about when I was taking care of my grandma after her knee replacement. We love quesadillas, but all I had unfrozen were flat-breads. Ah, what's the saying about the mother of invention?
Anyway here's the recipe. Enjoy!

1 Zucchini
4 Mediterranean Flat-breads
8 oz Block of Jack Cheese
Curry Powder(optional)
Spray Oil

Slice zucchini into thin rounds. You want about 6-8 rounds for each flatbread.
Season with S&P and curry powder if using.
Slice cheese in 1/4 in slices,  you'll need two per flat-bread
Heat a griddle on med high and spray with oil.
Heat flatbread on griddle for about 30 seconds, flip, then lay the cheese on half of the flatbread, then place the zucchini rounds on top of cheese.
Fold the empty half of the flat-bread over the zucchini and cheese. Let cook for another min maybe less, just make sure it doesn't burn. Flip the melt over and cook until cheese is lovely and melted. You may need to flip more than once to ensure it cooks evenly. Set aside on a plate and cover with foil. Repeat until all of the zucchini is gone. Have fun cooking my friends and remember to keep it homemade.

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