Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Salami and Egg Sandwich/Salad

I was given a project to do by my mom. High Protein on the go meals. I was wracking my brain trying to come up with ideas and it's harder than one thinks, especially if they need to be held for long periods of time. I finally came up with a sandwich, it's versatile and can be done several different ways and with several ingredients. This was just one thing I came up with.

Crispy Salami and Egg Breakfast Sandwich

I happened to have Salami in my Fridge and yes it can be high in fat, but if used sparingly it's a nice treat that has good protein. The egg is also a good way to get protein and I used Marscapone cheese,which gives a nice tang as well as a good creamy element. The English Muffin can be replaced with a wrap or you can even make hard boiled eggs and stir in the salami and marscapone cheese along with salt and pepper. Well I guess I've talked long enough. On to the recipe!

3 Slices Salami
1 egg
2 Tbsp Marscapone Cheese or Cream Cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste(I often use garlic salt)
1 English Muffin

Place Salami in a small cold frying pan, non-stick, then turn heat to Med. Low, one end of the meat may be sliced so you don't get that odd bubble in the middle, let cook until the edges start to brown about 2 min, flip and cook until you see the center turning golden brown another 2 maybe 3 min. While Salami is cooking whip the egg with a fork along with a bit of salt and pepper.
Pull salami off the heat and let drain on a paper towel.
In the same pan pour in the egg, leave the little bit of grease from the salami just to ensure the egg doesn't stick. Tilt pan in a circular motion and with a rubber spatula, pull the sides in towards the middle, let cook until just set, about two min. maybe less, it should be pale yellow and still slightly runny in the center. Flip over with your spatula and let go for another 2 min. or so. Turn off the heat and let sit in the pan while you toast your muffin. I like mine brown and slightly crisp, but however you like yours is fine.
Now for the cheese! Yum! Spread the cheese on both halves of the muffin then take your egg, fold in half then in half again to form a triangle and place on top of the muffin. Don't forget the Salami. Place those on the egg and then top with the other half of the muffin. 
At this point you can scarf it down with some coffee and almond creamer (Nuts have massive amounts of protein!) Or the sandwich can be wrapped in foil and eaten later. 

Now for the hard-boiled version. This is for a larger serving and can be done a day ahead.

3-4 Eggs, depending on how big of a serving you want
6-8 slices salami
6-8 Tbsp Marscapone Cheese or Cream Cheese, at room temp
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place eggs in a medium pan and cover with cold water, making sure the eggs are fully submerged. Once it has come to a boil, turn off heat, cover and let stand for 15 min. Drain and run under cold water. These can now be refrigerated and held until ready to make the salad.

To make the salad dice your eggs into a bowl, season with salt and pepper, add in the cheese and mash with a fork, taste and make sure the seasoning is to your liking, but be careful not to add too much since the salami has it's own salt. Now take your salami and if you have thin sliced salami, stack the slices and cut in half, then in quarters, separate and put into the egg mixture, then stir to combine. If you prefer the log of salami, that's fine for this salad, just slice off about a 1/2 inch and dice into small chunks. Taste and see if it needs more seasoning.This is good on it's own, in a sandwich, a wrap or on a big leaf of lettuce. Enjoy! Happy cooking my friends and remember to keep it healthy and homemade.

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